martes, 9 de octubre de 2018

Papers de estudios que refutan la homeopatía


Science, Protoscience, and Pseudoscience

A systematic review of systematic reviews of homeopathy

Are the clinical effects of homoeopathy placebo effects? Comparative study of placebo-controlled trials of homoeopathy and allopathy

Evidence Check 2: Homeopathy - Science and Technology Committee Contents

Evidence Check 2: Homeopathy


Otras referencias :

Becker-Witt, C., R. Ludtke, T. E. Weisshuhn, et al. 2004. Diagnoses and treatment in homeopathic medical practice. Forsch Komple­mentarmed Klass Naturheilkd. 11: 98–103.
Bewley, S., E. Ernst, J. Garrow, et al. 2011. The evidence for homeopathy is not positive: A rapid response to Bewley, S., On behalf of N. Ross, A. Braillon, E. Ernst, et al. Letter: Advice on homoeopathic products: Clothing naked quackery and legitimising pseudoscience BMJ 2011; 343:doi:10.1136/bmj.d5960.
Brinkhaus, B., J.M. Wilkens, R. Lüdtke, et al. 2006. Homeopathic arnica therapy in patients receiving knee surgery: Results of three randomised double-blind trials. Com­ple­mentary Therapies in Medicine 14(4): 237–246.
Chatfield, K. 2011. Progress in the placebo debate for homeopathy? Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 17(8):663–664.
Ernst, E. 2010. Classic flaws in clinical CAM research. Focus on Alternative and Comple­mentary Therapies 15(3):207–209.
Fisher, P. 2011. Homeopathy: A rapid response to Bewley, S., On behalf of N. Ross, A. Braillon, E. Ernst, et al. Letter: Advice on homoeopathic products: Clothing naked quackery and legitimising pseudoscience BMJ 2011;343:doi:10.1136/bmj.d5960.
Keil, T., C.M. Witt, S. Roll, et al. 2008. Homoeopathic versus conventional treatment of children with eczema: A comparative co­hort study. Complementary Therapies in Medicine 16(1): 15–21.
Sehon, S. and D. Stanley. 2010. Applying the simplicity principle to homeopathy: What remains? Focus on Alternative and Comple­mentary Therapies 15(1): 8–12.
Teut, M., R. Lüdtke, K. Schnabel, et al. 2010. Homeopathic treatment of elderly patients—a prospective observational study with follow-up over a two year period. BMC Geriatrics 10: 10.
Witt, C., T. Keil, D. Selim, et al. 2005a. Outcome and costs of homoeopathic and conventional treatment strategies: A comparative cohort study in patients with chronic disorders. Complementary Therapies in Medicine 13(2): 79–86.
Witt, C.M., B. Brinkhaus, D. Pach, et al. 2009a. Homoeopathic versus conventional therapy for atopic eczema in children: Medical and economic results. Dermatology 219: 329–340.
Witt, C.M., R. Lüdtke, R. Baur, et al. 2005b. Homeopathic medical practice: Long-term results of a cohort study with 3981 patients. BMC Public Health 5: 115.
Witt, C.M., R. Lüdtke, N. Mengler, et al. 2008. How healthy are chronically ill patients after eight years of homeopathic treatment? Results from a long term observational study. BMC Public Health 8: 413.
Witt, C.M., R. Lüdtke, and S.N. Willich. 2009b. Homeopathic treatment of patients with dysmenorrhea: A prospective observational study with 2 years follow-up. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics 280(4): 603–611.
———. 2010. Homeopathic treatment of patients with migraine: A prospective observational study with a 2-year follow-up period. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 16(4): 347–355.
———. 2011. Homeopathic treatment of patients with psoriasis—a prospective observational study with 2 years follow-up. European Journal Acta Dermatologica Venereological 23(5): 538–543.
———. 2009c. Homeopathic treatment of children with atopic eczema: A prospective observational study with two years follow-up. Acta Dermatologica Venereologica 89(2): 182–183.

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